
Pack of RV-312 RealVision 3D Plastic Thru Hull Txds, Port & Starboard 12°, Direct connect to AXIOM (2 x 2m, Y-cable and 8m extension cable)

Algne hind oli: 2129,00 €.Current price is: 2065,00 €.

RV-312 Plastic Through Hull Transducer Pack (with 12° deadrise compensation) Through Hull Designed for inboard or outboard boats, the RV-312 Plastic Through Hull Transducer System lets you easily identify structures and locate fish with the life-like clarity of RealVision 3D™ sonar. The RV-312 system is a 4-channel, Wide Spectrum CHIRP transducer system with DownVision™, SideVision™, high frequency CHIRP fish targeting and RealVision 3D™ sonar inside. The transducer system has a built-in attitude and heading reference system (AHRS) that stabilizes the sonar imagery, automatically compensating for vessel motion. You’ll enjoy crystal-clear imagery in waves, swells, and while maneuvering. The RV-312 system also has a built-in fast response water temperature sensor for quick, accurate readings. Raymarine’s RV-312 Plastic Through Hull Transducer system pack contains a pair of RealVision 3D transducers with internal offset to accommodate hull deadrise angles from 6° to 18°. This completely eliminates the need for fairing blocks. The low-profile design slips effortlessly through the water without causing drag or cavitation. The near-flush RV-312 system works great on trailered boats too.

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Mida tuleks kindlasti RV andurite paigaldamisel jälgida.

Lisaks juhendis näidatud õige asukoha valikule vastavalt oma paadi tüübile tuleks veel jälgida, et navigatsioonisüsteem koos Axiom RV ja  Axiom Pro RVX plotteri või RVX1000 välise sonari BlackBox-iga ei saaks toitepinget stardi aku pealt. See on vajalik, et mootorit käivitamisel tekkiv pingelang ei võtaks „pilti eest“. Andurite paigaldamisel tuleb jälgida, et andurid ei asetseks kerest väljaulatuvate osade ja veevõtuavade lähedale mis tekitavad turbulentsi ja õhumulle. Andurid tuleb paigaldada täpselt paralleelselt, see on väga oluline. Kui üks andur on teisest ees- või tagapool, siis ei tule head pilti, pilt on nihkes. Maksimaalne vahemaa kahe anduri vahel laiust pidi on 2 meetrit ehk kiilust meeter paremale ja vasakule, tavaliselt jääb see 1m piiridesse. Jälgida tuleb, et andurid asetseksid veeliinist vähemalt 300mm allpool ja seda ka sõidu ajal. RV-anduritel on AHRS (Attitude and Heading Reference Sensor) stabilisaator mis võimaldab RV (RealVision) pilditöötlusel laeva liikumist kompenseerida. Kuna AHRS on magneetiliselt põhja suunda otsiv seade, siis võib RV-anduri paigaldamine metall esemete vahetusse lähedusse kahjustada sellise kompensatsiooni toimimist (nt. mootoriplokid, täiturmootorid, elektripaneelid jämedad elektrikaablid, laadijad, inverteerid jne. sõltub laeva konstruktsioonist) ja muud magnetismi allikad. AHRS-i kompenseerimine võib olla plotteri menüüs keelatud kui andurid asuvad tugevas magnetväljas. Seda võib ka ise keelata kui stabilisaatori töö on häiritud.

RV-312 Plastic Through Hull Transducer Pack (with 12° deadrise compensation)

Through Hull

Designed for inboard or outboard boats, the RV-312 Plastic Through Hull Transducer System lets you easily identify structures and locate fish with the life-like clarity of RealVision 3D™ sonar.

The RV-312 system is a 4-channel, Wide Spectrum CHIRP transducer system with DownVision™, SideVision™, high frequency CHIRP fish targeting and RealVision 3D™ sonar inside. The transducer system has a built-in attitude and heading reference system (AHRS) that stabilizes the sonar imagery, automatically compensating for vessel motion. You’ll enjoy crystal-clear imagery in waves, swells, and while maneuvering. The RV-312 system also has a built-in fast response water temperature sensor for quick, accurate readings.

Raymarine’s RV-312 Plastic Through Hull Transducer system pack contains a pair of RealVision 3D transducers with internal offset to accommodate hull deadrise angles from 6° to 18°. This completely eliminates the need for fairing blocks. The low-profile design slips effortlessly through the water without causing drag or cavitation. The near-flush RV-312 system works great on trailered boats too.

The RV-312 system features rugged plastic through hull bodies suitable for fiberglass, steel or aluminum hulls. One transducer transmits and receives to port and downwards, the other to starboard and downwards, ensuring a full 180° of underwater coverage even on boats with deep keels or other underwater protrusions. Each transducer features a 2-meter pigtail, joining y-cable and 8-meter extension cable, resulting in an overall cable length of 10 meters (33 feet.)

What’s in the Box?

  • RV-312P Plastic Port Transducer with 2-meter cable
  • RV-312S Plastic Starboard Transducer with 2-meter cable
  • RealVision 3D Transducer Y-Cable
  • RealVision 3D 8-meter (26-feet) Transducer Extension Cable
  • Anti-rotation bolt kit
  • Installation instructions

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